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Scaffold Contractors
The easiest way to manage scafftags, inspetors and inspections
The simplest and most efficient way to manage all aspects of your scaffold tagging compliance. From projects, scaffolds and scafftags to scheduling and tracking inspections and inspectors, all in one simple app.
Never worry about compliance again
Scafflinq includes the things you need to do and capture to be compliant with Government regulations in Australia, UK and the United States.
Add a scafftag in two taps
Simply scan the QR code, give the Scaffold a name like Northern Stretcher Stairs, select the Duty type, take a photo of the scaffold and tap Create - and you're done.
Anyone can scan your scafftags and keep safe
Anyone can scan a scafftag without being a user or invited into Scafflinq. So even members of the public can check what they need to know about your scaffold.
Damaged Scaffold
Robert Simmons
10th Oct 9:32 AM
It looks like there's been some damage to the scaffold next to the Northern Stairs. We've barricaded this off for the moment.
Get notified of issues instantly from site
Anyone can report an issue with a scaffold in seconds including taking a photo. You'll get an App and email notification instantly and can investigate and resolve serious issues straight away.

“Scaffolders using Scafflinq on our sites get a big tick.”
Andrew Van der Welt
Senior Site Manager

Keep people aware of risk and conditions
Something special about this scaffold that people need to know about? Creating special conditions when inspecting or handing over your scaffold does exactly that.

"It is a quick and easy system to check the compliance of the scaffold via QR code. I will be looking to Scafflinq on my future projects."
Roi Cifti
Project Manager

Powerful reporting to keep on top of it all at anytime
Stay in Control with Scafflinq's Powerful Reporting Anytime, Anywhere.
Easily manage your team and projects
Streamline team and project management with comprehensive features for managing inspectors, administrators, projects and scaffolds.
Your information is encrypted and secured against threats.
We're here 24/7/365 to support your projects and scaffolds.
Scafflinq is really easy to manage your team and their permissions.
I want to get started,
send me my free scafftags
We'll ship you 25 Scafftags to get you started.