How to add Team Members to my Scafflinq account

How to add Team Members to my Scafflinq account

In Scafflinq there are 2 User Roles. For information on Roles and Permission see: Roles & Permissions.

Note: New users need to be invited in by the Administrator. If your scaffolders signup without an invite, they will be creating a new organisation outside of your organisation.


To add a new user on the Web Portal

  1. Login to the Web Portal

  2. Click Teams in the left navigation menu

  3. Click Invite New Member button in the top right of the screen

  4. Fill in the details of the new team member

    1. Email address, the user will use to login to Scafflinq

    2. Role, Inspector or Administrator (see above for the role permissions)

    3. Mobile number, will be used later in Handover Certificates reports

    4. Scaffold ticket, is used in the Handover Certificate report

    5. Ticket class, represent the level of qualification the scaffolder has

  5. Click Invite button

Next Step: The newly invited member will receive an invitation email to continue the signup process.

From the invitation email Click Setup my account, you will be redirected to the Scafflinq web portal to setup a Password.

Enter First Name, Last Name, password and confirm password.

Check I agree with terms and conditions

Click the Sign In button


Inspectors will see this blue screen

Inspectors will see this blue screen

If you setup the user as an Inspector do not have access to the Web Portal, so they will be directed to download the Scafflinq App


Administrators will be logged into the Web Portal

Administrators will be logged into the Web Portal

If you setup the user as an Administrator they will have access to the Web Portal and will be logged in.



To add a new user on the Mobile Application

To add a new user on the Mobile Application

  1. Login to the Scafflinq Mobile App

  2. Tap the Settings menu

  3. Tap the Team Members menu

  4. Tap the floating blue + button

  5. Fill in the team members details

    Note: Toggle the Administrator switch if you want this user to be an Administrator

  6. Tap the Create button

The team member will receive an invitation email.

From the invitation email Click Setup my account, you will be redirected to the Scafflinq web portal to setup a Password.

Enter First Name, Last Name, password and confirm password.

Check I agree with terms and conditions

Click the Sign In button

If you setup the user as an Administrator they will have access to the Web Portal and will be logged in.

If you setup the user as an Inspector do not have access to the Web Portal, so they will be directed to download the Scafflinq App